Recherche : appliName:presseXIX date:[1890* TO 1899*] date:[1890* TO 1899*] date:[1890* TO 1899*] id_title_s:"PER003258_Le Journal de Guignol (1894)" id_title_s:"PER003258_Le Journal de Guignol (1894)" id_title_s:"PER003258_Le Journal de Guignol (1894)" type:"illustration" type:(article OR illustration) AND NOT active_s:"INACTIVE" Tout droit réservé, Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon 2010-02-10T10:33:01.067Z PER0034b5ed197c9af2 2010-02-10T10:33:01.067Z Guignol et Gnafron à l'armée du salut PER0034b5b0872c2b4d 2010-01-23T15:28:36.532Z M. Sadi Carnot